Be self-sufficient in Eurekas.

Innovation, whenever.

Creativity is not exclusive to creative agencies. You and your colleagues can generate new ideas every day. And we can teach you simple techniques to generate huge volumes of ideas, on the fly.

Introducing random access innovation.

Think Industries gets paid to come up with creative ideas. But external agencies are not the only ones that can think creatively. Obviously, you and your colleagues have ideas, too. So, what if there was a way of provoking new ideas, at any time?

We’re not talking about brainstorming. Brainstorming can be a total mess because there is usually no structure. And, because these sessions don’t begin with any particular focus, they tend to lead to a load of random ideas. Our technique uses random inputs to generate focused ideas. And we can teach you how to do it in minutes.

Switch on the light bulb moments.

New ideas are generated when the brain is forced to de-rail. By using sideways thinking, your brain is forced to leave its tracks. So you can end up in a different place.

Lateral Thinking

A workshop based on the revolutionary ‘sideways thinking’ technique developed in the eighties by Edward de Bono (who invented the term that gives the workshop its name. Participants will be shown simple tools to generate large volumes of new ideas on the fly.